Your Gmail copilot.

Powered by AI.

Write better emails faster. Reach Inbox Zero 10x faster with the DraftLab Chrome extension for Gmail.



No need to switch email clients. DraftLab's Chrome extension embeds directly into Gmail. Additional clients (e.g. Outlook) coming soon.


DraftLab only charges you when you use its AI to generate an email, so you only pay for what you use. No upfront payment. Billed monthly. Cancel anytime.


DraftLab respects your privacy and does not store any of your emails unless you opt for a personalized model (coming soon).


Coming Soon
DraftLab's AI can be personalized to match your writing style so you can save time without sacrificing authenticity.


Coming Soon
Teach DraftLab's AI to automatically respond to those emails that you get over and over again. Don't waste time sending canned responses.


Coming Soon
Teach DraftLab's AI to automatically triage and label important emails based on their content so they never slip through your inbox.